I'm Syed,
A student studying at the University of Guelph, as a candidate for an Honours Bachelor with major in Software Engineering.
Currently, my skill set revolves around web technologies and languages such as Javascript, React, and Python. You can see my works and skills in action by viewing my projects, or visiting my github.
I'm seeking internship positions for the summer of 2022. If you like what you see, check out my resume and reach out to me via email or linkedin for any potential opportunities.
The source code for this site can be viewed here.
This sorting algorithm visualizer visualizes 2 algorithms, quick sort and bubble sort.
For this project, React was used to render all the different components of the project, along with the Javascript library p5.js to animate
the array of data.
Throughout the creation of this project I learned more about data structures and specifically sorting algorithms,
along with delving deeper into Javascript frameworks like React.
This project uses voice recognition to listen to a question regarding COVID-19 cases, and produces an appropriate answer using COVID-19
This web scraper was built in Python using python libraries such as,
Python RegEx(regular expressions), Python Text-To-Speech, and Python Speech Recognition. The web scraping was done via a
ParseHub API.
This project revealed to me the endless possibilies of voice recognition and web scraping, and how this type of automation can be utilized.
This chrome extension allows the user to create a simple timer from within chrome by inputting the desired time and starting the timer.
This extension was created using HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery.
I built this chrome extension because I wanted to make simple way to set a timer from within chrome.
However, from this experience I also got to learn about jQuery and how web extensions are built.
This is a simple to-do list in which a user can add or remove items from a list, along with marking them as complete.
This project was built using React and used
to make requests to a fake REST API to simulate database manipulation and grabbing preset items from a database.
Throughout this project I focused on understanding the innerworkings of React and how a multitude of components can come together and create something much bigger.